Funeral Home Inc.
Shane J. Gladfelter, Supervisor

Michael A. Smeltzer, 71, passed away peacefully at his residence March 21, 2022. Born on July 25, 1950 in Windsor, Pa he was the son of the late Gurvis E. and Orpha O. (Tyson) Smeltzer. Michael was a 1968 graduate of Red Lion High School.
Michael loved his cats dearly, they were his life. He was an avid Civil War enthusiast and a historian. Michael enjoyed his time in West Virginia where he worked and lived on Brad Nash's farm before returning to Windsor in the early 2000's. He was brilliant with electronics and radio waves. He could build just about anything.
Michael had two brothers, Gareth "Ted" Smeltzer and Jerry L. Smeltzer.
A Graveside Service will be held Monday, March 28, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Windsor Cemetery, 1-51 N Blacksmith Ave., Windsor, Pa. Reverend Schmuck will be officiating.
Michael A. Smeltzer
July 25, 1950 - March 21, 2022